Wednesday, July 02, 2008

a clogged sinus and a coffee later...

Yes. I am officially cranky. For today at least. My head's every movement is amplified thanks to fluids clogging up my sinus cavities. Whats more irritating is that it (the sinus clogging ) came almost instantly. One sneeze was all it took.

So. Today is not really a good day to come up to me and open a grand topic on Life and the frailty of friendships. I can tolerate the nonsensical views of Life that you have ( everyone is entitled to their own opinions ). But i can't tolerate you canvassing your lack of efforts in maintaining a friendship as it (friendship) being frail. Most importantly, enough of the train analogy dude ( you were lucky i wasn't feeling well). Really enough is enough. I hope that your analogy was tuned to local context. Meaning, I hope you were referring to local trains. So here's me putting my perspective into this age old adage (no pun intended).

Enough of you and the people you meet in your life as passengers on the train you are taking. And enough of the people having to exit at various stations like how friends move away at stages in your life. Dude.. wake up ... Here at least in Singapore the MRT makes return journeys. True you may make a journey from one end of the island to the other ... but you also make the return journey. So does the guy who got off along the way.. you are probably going to see him again in the following day ( He also has to go to work rite). Funny thing is, the MRT can act as a perfect guide to how we should handle our friendships. You get off when your station arrives to carry on with your life. Then you get back on and meet the same people again going back home..All heading together for the brief moment of time and then when its time to alight... you alight.

As for the friends who disappeared amidst the stages in your life, they would have been there if they wanted to . So re-assess the friendship. Alternatively, maybe its just you who abandoned them in the so called evolution of friendships. You know like the saying goes " Has the world turned its back on you , or is it you who turned your back on the world". Stop feeding the vicious cycle and stop masquerading like a sage who has seen it all and done it all. Idiot.

I can't breathe through my nose anymore. sinus is bad. i am gonna hit the sack. good night.

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