Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the what , why and ifs of what the future holds...(very short one)

Determining what the future holds is an impossible task and we all know that. Then why are most of us ( including myself) trying so desperately to mould it. Is it an innate craving for control? A foolish tenet to be the master of one's own destiny? Lets narrow down the panoptic gaze on Life to just one's career and also lets take God out of the equation ( just for argument sake and to accomodate freethinkers views without prejudice)

We all would have had a certain inkling of who we wanted to become in our childhood. How many of us have achieved what we set out to do... Aspirations and reality somehow always seem to be at loggerheads. Why? Who is the culprit? Situations and circumstances? If so how? When everything is constant, why the rifts in outcomes. Is it as simple as being fickle minded.... i doubt so..

I honestly can't answer these questions without injecting God into the picture but this would fuel the theories of another group out there. That God is the side effect when our perpetual need for logic and comprehension is unsatisfied or unsubstantiated. In the end it simply becomes a vicious cycle. Back to the confusions board. haha.. good night.

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