Wednesday, August 27, 2008

To: Dear God

Allah, I know not what is right and what is wrong.
For i am nothing but a puny human being.
I am neither wise nor strong,
and I am at a crossroad into which I wandered without seeing.

I have lost much sleep,
thinking and re-thinking...
of the repercussions should I fail, that's mine to keep.

I know now that tomorrow is not mine to control.
That its destiny ordained by you,
And in due time, it will unroll.

Forgive me for all that I have taken for granted.
My Family, friends and many more whom are unstated.
For when I was engulfed in my darkness,
You sent me rays of hope through their kindness.

Allah, I know not what is right or what is wrong.
And I have decided to go ahead with my degree.
Please be my guide and be my strength...
For none is beyond your decree.

Bless me in my attempt and should I fail,
give me strength to bear repercussions flail.

Please be my strength and my guide for i am neither wise nor strong,
and i know not what is right and what is wrong.

Yours sincerely and desperately,
Mohidin Shaniz Malik S/O Sajakan M. M. Musthafa


Nunbun said...

Insha Allah.

Go for it bro... for Allah loves those who seek knowledge to further themselves.

And you have our doa's, insha Allah!

the seeker said...

Hmmm, didn't expect this coming from you but hey, there's always a start. :o)

nisangel said...

Ok Din.. This will sound abit off.. But I finally knew ur FULL name.. Woohoo!!

Anonymous said...

All the best my will do just fine. Don worry :)

Anonymous said...

InshaAllah, May Allah guide you through... Best wishes my dearest