Tuesday, February 03, 2009

An uncertain year ahead...

A lot of things seem rather uncertain at this point of time in my life. There are so many things that i wanted to achieve in this new year but judging from the way i am struggling to manage my scarcely available free time, i doubt i would even get through half of my list.

I badly wanted to sign up for guitar classes but my fickle course time table eliminated all possibilities. I believe i won't learn much if all i can commit is about an hour a month can i?... and yeah, I am no Mozart... to pick up music that fast.

I need to buy a new camera... Current one got fried big time thanks to a AC/DC conversion cock-up. Somehow, buying a cheap substandard camera to tide the times by doesn't appeal to me.. I rather spend the money on good, durable and sustainable quality... But my pocket seems to be bleeding right now. So i shall review this in about 6 months.. God knows how i am going to survive when it comes to doing task and stuff....

As mentioned in my earlier entry...circumstances forced me to buy a new phone and as mentioned in my earlier paragraph, my poor pocket is vomitting blood now.. yet i decided to buy a Blackberry Bold...Did my research on the phone seems very sustainable and relative for the next 3 years.. Somehow all my phones lasted a long time... 4 yrs on average. Starting from my Nokia 3310 to 7610 then to the grand daddy... the Sony P910... and now to the BBB...

Anyway i was initially planning to write a very sombre entry about the contemplations of my ( and my surrounding social circle's ) future but somehow, for once( and very rarely) my materialistic aspects took precedence...What i possessed never mattered to me that much .. I simply relish its existence initially then i always temper down. What i have is all attributed to HIM only... I wanted to comment about the way the world is going.. but i am no world leader to effect any change nor do i wish to get shoe-ed on stage.. Guess i am getting sleepy.. so i am just logging off.

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