Monday, July 30, 2007

The Occasional truths in email FWDs

Let's face it, we all get e-mail FWDs with loads of general philosophies, half-truths and whole lies. The advice ranges from personal reflections to public propoganda.

The truth is , i never really paid any attention or gave two hoots about these mails. In fact i deleted mails which arrive in my inbox with subjects starting with a FWD.

Anyway getting to the point. Recently managed to catch up with an old polymate. He is also one who practices the art of deleting FWDs without even reaching the half way mark (sometimes we don't even bother opening the FWDs.). While gorging down our burgers at BK(PS),as a topic opener , i asked him regarding one of his MSN nicknames... which went something like "Don't make someone a priority in your life, when you are just an option in theirs". He simply laughed and said that phrase was from a FWD, i should have known from it's corniness. Then he went on to elaborate about the experiences he had with a particular girl, from the chase to courtship to condemnation. Really felt sad for him for i totally understood his predicament( giving a zen look haha).. We were silent for a few minutes then it kind of hit us, that phrase makes absolute sense.
To ensure trust, i disclosed some recent updates from my life... and the best part was that we were laughing at ourselves for the idiots we have been. It is kind of funny that it doesn't hurt like it used to a few years back. Maybe i have gotten numb or maybe i am just growing out of my foolishness. I mean, what was i thinking? Subjecting my/our lives to a monocracy by the girl for whom we would have laid down almost anything for, when all i am , is just another option in her relentless pursuit for her ideal man .

It seems that a lot of people had advised my friend that he needs to win her heart by showing or treating her differently from what normal friends might do. In other words, show her what he can offer so that she can choose him over the others. Logic seems pretty ok till you take a back seat and see the full picture. I simply told him to forget it... It seems that she said to him "i don't know" when he proposed, so i just asked him to listen to the inner meaning of the last word..."NO".

Just out of curiosity, when did courtship become so commercialised , " invest my money in the bank that gives me the most returns". What happend to the intrinsic value of courting. Hmm..would a girl like to be subjected to this kind of treatment , being asked to prove what she can offer before the guy decides to say a yes or a no? where is the respect for the girl? like wise for the male counterparts.

Again the funny thing was that we were having very serious conversations with plenty of sudden hilaraious outbursts, laughing at ourselves. Guess that was our way of dealing with it.
Time came for us to part ways. We gave each other the "brother brother" handshake topped up with a closed fist bang to our chests and a peace sign before boarding seperate trains.....yeah rite.

A humble request to my friends

1) Don't think too much, just ask and find out
2) Don't make the girl a priority in your life till you know that you are one in her life( if you do, you might tend to lose the ones who always had been there for you.)
3) Be straight forward about what you expect

1) Please, respect the fact that the guy worked up the courage to propose, and give him a yes or no answer. (saying "i don't know, puts the guy in a flux, to pursue or not to pursue?)
2) Just say what you feel as it is.. don't worry about hurting the guy.

Ps: i am not trying to be a love doctor here. just wanted to share my opinions on this matter.


Anonymous said...

what's your take now? for the one you've been eyeing for?

anyway, when its yours, it will be yours.


Anonymous said...

I fully agree with you. One who says I don't know, really doesn't know. You could give that gal some time to think it over but the gal should come back and tell you the final answer soon or else there's just no respect for your feelings.

Anyway, knowing you for so many years, my innermost feelings are this. For the nice person you are, you need a woman who knows about her feelings. Forget the immatured type. Go for a real woman.

Anonymous said...

Thie entry is so true but your raascal doesn't deserve it at all....when I reflect back.
Like the way you ran away from expenses to replies..No point texting for forgiveness.....for "how can a child forget being trashed by the other?" I will rmb yr entry!