Tuesday, June 12, 2007

highest point in my life...13, 500 feet

It's funny.. I wanted to document every little emotion i experienced when i ascended the mountain but i simply can't. I wrote a few drafts of this posts and as i read it , i realised that no matter how descriptively i wrote or how simply i put my thoughts across...it just doesn't cut it. Neither can i describe the view up there, not even pictures can depict the tear jerking sights that i saw up at 13,500 feet. Everything is out of this dimension, the geography, climate, flora and fauna.. everything.

I fully stand by the saying that the journey is just as important as the destination.
It exposed me to a very long overdue metamorphosis. It was a test of everything. Strength, stamina, will power, spirit, mental fortitude and of course team bonding. I am going to keep this entry short for no amount of words could express fully what i saw and experienced by God's creation.

I learnt who i am and what i am capable of , how far i can go even when my physical being has given up on me. My capabilities and capacity had been stretched to non-existence. But the most valuable lessons i learnt were of Allah S.W.T's mysterious ways of working.. It was just like fasting but on a more short and intensive scale. Just like fasting , the ascend purged me of my bodily capabilities.. Never been this exhausted in my life and my limbs never this rebellious. Its only at the point where my body "died", my mind took over. i had never been this focused in my entire life before. Never this iron willed. I never knew where i got the pockets of strength and energy to take the next step. It simply baffled me.. and then it hit me.... Not everything conforms to logic and reasoning. There are things beyond what we can comprehend.

I urge who so ever be reading this. Go climb a mountain.. know more about yourself.
I also would like to take this opportunity to say a few words to my team..

Julie - never knew a person can have as much energy as you. You were the teams jukebox running on energizer.Glad to have met you on this trip

Izat - we never really had the opportunity to get that closely considering that were seperated during our ascend. thanks for the chocolates and raisins which kept me going. Loved going overboard with you on the raft.

Rauff- Bro, thanks for the water you shared with me at the timely moment near low's peak. if not for that, i dun think i would have reached the summit.

Faizul - Bro, think your ass is still imprinted on my shoulder haha.. nice bonding with you over the ascend and i am seriously impressed by your will power despite your screwed up knee.

Nisa - the babe with the smile that warms me up even at 13,500 ft. Glad to have had you by my side along the route, and really babe, thanks for making this trip happen. You opened me up to wider horizons.

1 comment:

nisangel said...

Thanks for being so patient and still have dat sense of humour despite ur cuckoo knee(s).. Yup, the journey IS more significant than the goal itself.. Next year, Rinjani alrite?? Tahan is btwn?? Ha ha..