Monday, April 27, 2009


1. I wonder why when i have to go through just a pile of shit... i always end up with a mountain of it.

2. I hope that my students lose their fascination with my hair ( the one on my head as well as the body). If not i got no choice but to wax.... * this can be added to my mountain of shit

3. I want to go back to my Primary 6 days.. If I'd known that this is how being grown up feels, i would have given the hardest kick that i had ever felt to myself.

4. Do not open any mails that has your name on its cover. Its most probably a bill.... or a bloody barger of a letter from the hucking Reservist Unit informing you of your blaady IPPT which is a week away.

5. In life, YOU will come across many bridges, bridges that you cross... and bridges that you burn.. I am the one that you should burn now.

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