Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Uniquely Singapore...

Having almost everything imported [including ideas, events and structures], I have always wondered what was soooooo unique about Singapore. The Casino, London Eye.... oops i meant the Singapore Flyer and the F1 races. You get the drift [no pun intended].

So, i voiced out my question to a friend [ think Uniquely Singapore...] after the usual Carribbean swim. He was quiet but only for a few seconds... then in his sporadic moments of patriotism, gave me a reply which dumbfounded me...really!

Me : "Mike, what the hell is so unique about Singapore mike? Why are we always copying ideas from abroad. When is the world going to copy us for a change? I mean, come on mike, F1? Why not import Cricket World Cup?

[ after moments of silence ]

Him: "Mike!! What the hell are you talking mike! Look at that tiny land ( pointing to the strip of land where now Meryll Lynch stands)... Did you ever believe that a tall building can be erected amidst all these over crowded buildings?! BUT WE DID mike!!! thats uniquely Singapore!"

Him: "Mike!! Look at that Flyover mike, did you ever think it was possible to build such a huge flyover over an already existing and busy road?! Did you mike? BUT WE DID , thats uniquely Singapore Mike! How can you ask such a question mike!?

Me: I felt like singing Majulah Singapura at that moment..

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