Tuesday, May 22, 2007

...of leapords in tudung and the world wide web..

there is a saying in tamil, which (when loosely translated ) means, the persistence of the ant can even wear out the rock on which it is crawling upon. I thought i might try my hand at it and introduce the leapord in tudung to the unfathomable world of blogging. I only realised much later that i was not crawling on a rock but on a granite fortress. tried.failed.unsatisfied.... but i am going to keep on trying. Just curious to know how this leapord thinks beneath its tightly tied tudung.

I always believe that people have multiple faces (i am not insinuating that people are two-faced)and the face we all see on each other is the one meant for public scrutiny, perceptions and judgments. Then, there are the faces that come out when you want express something. There is a face for every moment you feel.Yet beneath all these layers of different faces.. there is this particular one that is the "real" you. The one which has no guards or false representations or any regard for another.. The one that thinks solely with the heart and not with the mind at all..The one that puts you in the front in all decisions made. hmmmm.. lets give this "real" face a name.. lets call it the "jingaaro".....

It's always fun to see the Jingaaro of someone..anyone. Lately i got very fascinated in my attempts to see the jingaaro of the leapord in tudung ( quite a mouthful).. The leapord in tudung always came across to me as an upright, no nonsense, succinct and firm.... yet it was kind and compassionate and at times (just at some times only) kinda guided me.. this contradictingly cool persona just fueled my curiosity on how its jingaaro would look like.. One day i will succeed. i think. shall see..

try it.. stand infront of the mirror and see the jingaaro..


Anonymous said...

Leapords or leopards? Hmmm...your story can score pretty well for creativity and use of terminologies but spelling wrong lah bro. Interesting outlook and naming of 'that thing' as JINGAARO. Maybe this person prefers to be mysterious and guard her whole persona from possible evil out there? Besides it takes a lot of energy for someone who is not fluent in creative writing to type out blogs. I wonder who is this leopard you are talking about... ;o)

Anonymous said...

Some interesting findings on the leopard, the animal, that maybe closely be related to the tudung gal you've described :o)

The most secretive and elusive of the large carnivores, the leopard is also the shrewdest. Pound for pound, it is the strongest climber of the large cats and capable of killing prey larger than itself. Leopards are solitary creatures. The leopard is a cunning, stealthy hunter.