Saturday, March 13, 2010

That Japanese place in Harbour Front.

Finally had some time to catch up with some good old buddies over dinner. My unbelievably hectic schedule has kept me isolated from the major transitions occurring in the lives of my friends.

Looks like there is a new common theme in my social network..... Marriage. Met up with the group for a catch up session at some Japanese restaurant in Harbourfront and considering that Raj is flying off, it can be a form of a sweet farewell dinner as well.

For once i was clueless as to how to join in the conversation for i had no freaking idea what they were talking about. Everyone was like caught up in a fever leading to a frenzy.. "Better plan early", "i am still hunting for this.. or that" , "You have to wait for the right time" , "make the move" , "did you search here? Did you try there?" etc.. All i had to do was add some heavy metal background score and it would have looked like they were planning all the way to World War 4.

At this juncture, i would like to take some time off to thank Sanjeev for sympathizing with me and for explaining to me what was going on. Once i grasped the content of all the commotion that was going on, I, in my infinite wisdom that spans across the insides of an empty coconut shell.... suggested holding the wedding at their respective homes as it would save them all the logistic nightmare issues. All i got in return was a very puzzled look that lasted a second before bloody hell, they resumed on their planning.

My inability to contribute to the conversation, allowed me to take a step back and reflect a bit. We have come a long way.. The topics governing our conversations have dramatically changed from 5 years back. I was actually able to see the transition in progress..

Life was slowly injecting different roles and responsibilities into all of us. I could see the seriousness on everyone's face. I could see contemplations on Raj's face as his London trip drew closer. I could see anxiety on Shan's face maybe coz its separation anxiety .. I could see solemness on Indhu's face as she was telling me about her engagement... I could see sheer astonishment on Sha's face as her food arrived in the largest bowl that i probably have seen. I saw tenacity on Sanjeev's face as i saw him filling up a registration form to redeem car parking benefits.

Here i was planning to organize a block catching event... I just hope that all of us don't lose the inner child as Life continuosly pounds us with hard choices and difficult times... but i was happy to see the entire group after a long time.. got a chance to realize what i was missing.


Unknown said...

oh my god! i realise i have been trying to comment some other way! haha! me and my IT adventures! anyway, yup, it's wedding fever on the way!

Nunbun said...

Highly reflective post, nice. I loved the bit on the reactions on people's faces, haha!