It's been a damn long time since i last blogged.. some how i never managed to find the time to sit and accumulate my thoughts and type them down.. anyway too many things have occurred to list out in any order so i am cutting it short. some happy things, some sad things,some irritating things, some calming things and some short bubbly doe eyed cute things have also happened to me.. basically on a roller coaster ride of my life right now.. my exterior is cool, calm and composed.. my interior is a controlled chaotic firework display..I find reason and rage in everything. i find fear in my happiness and doubt in my pleasures.. can it really be? is it too good to be true? Ego seems to be crippled... thoughts are confusingly clear.. i think i sounded profound enough.. haha.
anyway.. the hiking (10th Feb 2007) was a grand success.. million thanks to Arshad, Durga, Yasmin, Tahira and Shanthini for gracing the event despite the last minute dwindle in the numbers. Covered an estimated 20 km.... Macritchie.. Jelugong Towers.. HSBC Tree Top trail.. Rifle Range... PUB water catchment... Bt Timah.. BKE.. Ngee Ann Poly... Al-Ameen ...
Quite surprised that my legs are still in tact.. More suprisingly, the gals hanged on.. they lasted the entire distance despite zoning out and considering to seduce the ah pek for a lift in his pick up.
the hike reminded me of my NS days. it's quite frightening to know the effects of age. 4 years back i was able to run the entire distance in under 2 hours.. now i gotta pray my knees hold up though i am just walking.. sigh.. one more goal added to my new year resolution.. get back to my former fitness glory..who am i kidding.. most probably my resolution will go down the drain the moment i log off.. i need someone to keep pushing me.. my buddies are out.. they worse of then me.. fitness instructors are too expensive.. signing on is not an option... wait a minute i know wat to do.. .... ..... .....
shall write abt it after i have done it..
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