It's a wonder what long and lonely train rides can make me think about..i was in the mid section of the train on the NEL. The train was pretty empty at 11 pm.. i looked to my left and saw the 1st carriage then looked to my right and saw the last carriage and somehow i realised that i was in middle of 2 extremes. Like i was the balancing point of the entire train. Now i got my thought triggering word... BALANCE. Once i started pondering about balance, words such as "extremes" and "opposites" and 'grey area" all follow suit. Something was conjuring up in my head...and the events occuring around me in the train helped to shape my thoughts..i realised that there was a purpose for the existence of extremes. extremes help us to achieve our balances in life..i am not trying to sound profound at all.. in fact let me state a few real examples that demonstrates balance in human nature.
Firstly ..
a couple was (play )fighting in the train.. not that i was eavesdroppin but it was occurring right infront of me so couldn't help it.
Basically the boy was requesting his girlfriend to drop certain habits as he could not accept it but the girlfriend said that he had to accept her for who she is ( an individual). Boyfriend tries to coax her into compromising but to no avail.. Boyfriend states that she is being self centered..Girlfren continues with her set of rebuttles. where is the point about balance and extremes u may ask.. You see the "extremes" are the idea of being an INDIVIDUAL( who i am is who i am.. take it or leave it) and being compromising ( i am willing to change if it makes ppl happy).. the question is where do u stand? be an individual who does not care about anyone but himself or an over-sacrificer who loses his identity along the way?
Individual<---------------------where to stand--------------------->Compromise
the following is a popular topic, especially among my biker friends. Often times i had asked my frens that isn't riding a bike like signing a death warrant? and often times i get a philosophical answer. " If u gotta go, u definitely will go" or "wats the point of living carefully when we all die in the end"... guess they chose to see the cup as half empty whereas i chose to see it as half full.. cos i believe that life is the most precious gift to Man and in at least my religion, it has been highly advocated to take care of it in what ever means necessary.... so where is the balance?
Live for the moment <-------------------where to stand------------->preserve urself
Thirdly the all time favourite...
love is blind<-----------------where to stand----------------> love at first sight
i have come to understand that there is really no one answer to any prob.. what is an answer today , becomes the problem tomorrow.. We and our decisions are determined by the situation and circumstances that we are in at that period. This is where the extremes act as a gauge to help us make a decision..
anyway very drowsy now.. need to log.. off
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