I am frustrated that i can't seem to spend my hard earned free time, the way i want to. If its not commitments guzzling my time, its always some screw up for the day that requires me to waste my hours trying to rectify the problem. Then, there is this thing called reservist, which absolutely is a bloody waste of my time. One entire week ... poooffff , just like that.
I am frustrated... Despite having so little time, i still do take the effort to stay in touch and organise something up so that all of us can meet up. But why does it always have to end in catastrophe? I mean all you have to do is just confirm if the set date is fine with you and remember that day. But No!!!!! You have to belittle all of my efforts... Whatever your reasons are.... Screw it. Thank you.
You know what really frustrates me? The bloody lack of initiation on your part. You won't lift a finger to initiate, won't organise and won't give me proper confirmation... the least... just turn up. Since i am doing all of the work that you will never do even if i wait a century.
I was about to give up. Then something happened. Nisa calls up to meet at about 4 pm at Sentosa, along with Faizul. Sounded great especially since i was not organising it. Took my bike in the morning and rode around everywhere in southern Singapore. Then rode over to Palawan Beach. Really burnt all the excess energy i accumulated through all the frustrations.
It was really nice actually. No agenda , no planning. Just us in the evening sky and frolicking in the water swimming laps(sort of), talking cock in middle of the lagoon while tredding water. Catching up after a long time. Kinda miss the ol' times when we all used to work together... All these fun was just a corridor away. It was an extremely simple meet but it did wonders for me. It totally calmed me down. Should really thank Nisa and Faizul. Then the fun continued at Seah Im Hawker Centre. Talk more cock while indulging in overrated and over priced food. But the price didn't matter, the company did. It was very relaxingly fun... Anyway here are some pics from our endeavours. Nisa has most of the nicer pics.
Ooooohhh...Faizul and his "figure hugging" shirt :p
Dats Faizul with his faded rashguard.. ha ha..
Din, that was our long overdued coffee talk.. Glad u enjoyed it:)
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