Anyway been waiting to reconstitute my garden to its rightful place in the corridor ever since i moved back to my house.
The only problem is that the plants didn't survive the constant shifting of houses. So i have to start all over again... from scratch. Here it goes.
far managed to germinate green beans, corriander, chilli , Middle Eastern Dates and tomatoes. Also planted Ginger, Onions, Curry leaves.. and for visual aesthetics, African Violet, Money Plant, Roses and one more flowering plant which i can't remember. Then, there is also Heliconia and Hibiscus...
The starting phase of the garden looked rather pathetic, all i saw was just pots filled with compost and dirt. It feels even more pathetic to water plantless pots. Trust me, the time taken to see the first leaves protrude from the soil can really drive you nuts and at times will make you doubt yourself and even the seeds.. will they ever grow or are they dead?
A good few weeks into the garden and my once barren pots now have small green hair thrusting itself out of the ground. Several weeks later.. things were nicer to look at.. i hope the pics i put up give a better picture.. Any way not planning to type anymore. Too lazy , just gonna line up some pictures of my garden ...
Have fun, have a good holiday, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Nevermind if the plants are dead or alive or refuse to sprout... the photos are good.
Oh gosh! You are serious about gardening aren't you! can't believe I'm saying this but hey! Nice plants! I would love to see the outcome of the Middle Eastern dates :)
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