Do not expect it to be a regular action packed, "one man army " against the entire world kinda movie.. In fact, this is not a movie where you are going to come out feeling good at all.. In fact, it makes you think abt the realities or war and consequences of fire arms in the wrong hands ..or rather any hand .
Lord of War, tracks the life of the Ukraninan gun running entrepreneur(who later becomes a superpower in his own rights), Yuri Orlov, played by Nicolas Cage. The entire movie is set in the perspective of Yuri Orlov.. and the opening line " one in 12 people around the world has a gun.. the question is.. how do we arm the other 11?" gives the movie a dark and sadistic feel..
The movie is set at the end of the cold war and there is no more soviet union. Yuri the son of a refugee Ukranian couple living in the states, aspires to become rich and successful and after failed business ventures, decides to capitalize on the massive number of various fire arms left behind in Ukrain by warring nations.. (why did they leave behind the guns? coz it costs more to transport them back then to actually make new ones.) He literally buys the abandonned guns by the kilos at ridiculous prices and ships them off to another country where there is a conflict or a war going on.. and in the process gives us a crash course on econonmics, demand and supply. He keeps the customs at bay with bribes of cash and for those who cant be bribed he resorts to clever tactics (i dun wanna spoil the entire show by revealing it out)..
The funny thing is that Yuri had never handled a gun prior to entering the business..his first sale , a UZI was closed after a 15 min read thru the manual and he pulled it off like as if he had been in the business for years. He has only one protocol, never to get shot with your own merchandise.. which makes no sense to me.. anyway the movie progresses thru the decades and Yuri has established himself as a reliable supplier to the every major warlord, dictator and private armies.. while every one prays for wars and conflicts to end.. its quite funny to see him kneeling infront of the tube and desperately pray for new ones to begin.
Everything is smooth sailing till conscience catches up with him after his brother dies during one of his dealings went bad. He tries to go legitimate for the sake of his wife and son but the past catches up with him and eventually his family leaves him.. and having nothing to lose.. Yuri returns to what he does best.. supplying guns. He now has nothing to fear having the contacts of political big wigs and corrupt govt. officials. the movie ends there.. but its starts you thinking.. Yuri practically opens up your eyes to issues we never knew existed..
In an action movie, we think its cool when the hero shoots down an entire army, but in this movie i almost puked when the nigerian warlords went on a killing spree immediately after makin payment to Yuri. Most of the victims are malnutritioned kids and women. Just when i started to hate this character i realised his purpose is to shed the light on the real lords of war. While private gun runners continue to thrive on fire arms sales...the worlds three biggest gun runners are none other then the U.S , Russia and France... no point screwin the scavengers..